Monday, April 28, 2008

Library foundation earns charitable status

"Library Director [Peabody Institute Library] Martha Holden said the creation of a foundation gives the library more flexibility to raise money, especially through planned giving or memorial donations. It's also a way for the library to supplement city funds and money from the Friends of the Library, which helps with about $10,000 worth of programming a year, she said. Holden said public libraries are increasingly forming charitable organizations at the urging of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, in part, because grants from its Public Libraries Fund are calling for matching funds." -- Salem News. Full Story:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Speak Up, Speak Loudly

An excerpt of Kimberly Lynn 's testimony before the Joint Committee on Ways and Means on February 27 is available in the Spring issue of Bay State Libraries and well worth reading. Kim makes a strong argument for continued financial support of the libraries and offers many great examples of how libraries are impacting the lives of Massachusetts residents.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

State of America’s Libraries Report

Here's a video presentation (7:58) of ALA President Loriene Roy and ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels discussing the state of America’s libraries report, 2008:

The full report, State of America’s Libraries report, is available at:

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Libraries Solve Problems! Computers in Libraries 2008

Opening Keynote Address: Libraries Solve Problems! Lee Rainie. 9:00 a.m. +
Wonderful keynote presentation on library use across America by Lee Rainie, Pew Internet & American Life Project. The good news: libraries and the service of librarians is in demand, and the demand is growing. Survey Findings: Library users both high traditional and electronic resources. Those who use libraries are young and most likely to be library users in the future. Fifty-three (53)% of market share isn't all that bad. Awareness is key. Marketing of services to helps tell the library story to users and potential users. It's a public eduation opportunity. There a lots of success stories to talk about. Build awareness. Make it comfortable to use the services. Make it clear that what libraries do helps users solve real world problems. Training and outreach are also key builders of awareness and use. More later. -- Richard