Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Congratulations, Sarah!
LLMA '07 alum Sarah Marks has been promoted to Assistant Librarian at Fitchburg State College. Congratulations to Sarah!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
LLMA 2009 plans are underway!
RFP for 2009 LLMA Leadership Institute Facilitator Issued ...
Proposals are being sought for a Facilitator for the 3rd Library Leadership Institute to be held in July 2009. Participants in the Institute will include up to forty (40) professional or paraprofessional library staff, and possibly trustees and/or friends of libraries. Deadline for proposals is April 1, 2008.
The full RFP can be found at: proposal 2008.pdf
Proposals are being sought for a Facilitator for the 3rd Library Leadership Institute to be held in July 2009. Participants in the Institute will include up to forty (40) professional or paraprofessional library staff, and possibly trustees and/or friends of libraries. Deadline for proposals is April 1, 2008.
The full RFP can be found at: proposal 2008.pdf
Friday, February 22, 2008
LLMA Leader Goes Graphic
Congratulations to Maureen Ambrosino, author of The Metamorphosis: Birth of a Library Activist. Maureen submitted text; art was provided by Gary and Laura Dumm who created a graphic novel published in the January 2008 School Library Journal. The result: our very own activist librarian superhero!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Librarianship Has a Bright Future
Librarian listed in US News' "Best Careers 2008"
"Forget about that image of librarian as a mousy bookworm. Librarians these days must be high-tech information sleuths, helping researchers plumb the oceans of information available in books and digital records. It's an underrated career...."
There's a list of overrated careers too, with attorneys, advertising executives and architects heading the list.
"Forget about that image of librarian as a mousy bookworm. Librarians these days must be high-tech information sleuths, helping researchers plumb the oceans of information available in books and digital records. It's an underrated career...."
There's a list of overrated careers too, with attorneys, advertising executives and architects heading the list.
5 Reasons to Bring Your Child to Story Time

Also featured in the February 2008 issue of G.A.B. is an inspiring article by the youth services lbirarians of the Plymouth Public Library titled:
5 Reasons To Bring Your Child to Story Time: Your Toddler Belongs at the Library by Margaret McGrath & Jennifer Jones.Thursday, February 14, 2008
Leadership Means Acknowledgment
Do you credit your MBLC Certification status, library network or region on your website? How about your flyers or annual report? How is general public going to know that it is important for us to remain State Certified Public Libraries, or members of our region or network if they don’t even know that we are?
Adding a tag line to your web site is an important first step to alert your customers to the fact that you are more than just a single entity operating individually. We need to stress what each of these memberships does for us, as a library. Too often, libraries don't bring about a conversation about these important certifications or memberships until they are in danger of losing them. We need to tell the public now why each membership and certification we have are necessary to our operation. How else would a non-librarian know that Regions pay for delivery, or we get internet service through our network, or certification means they can borrow anything from any library in the state as easily as they can?
Being a leader means acknowledging partnerships and memberships that are beneficial to your organization. I can’t think of any other items that mean more to a Public Library than Certification, Region and Network. All three provide resources that we could not do without and still be what our customers want us to be.
My tag lines are as follows:
Proud Member Of:
[SAILS logo] Providing Resource Sharing, circulation and internet and MIS services
[SEMLS logo] Providing Daily Material Delivery and Databases
[MBLC logo] Certified Public Library: FY07
Add this information to your literature every chance you get. People need to see or hear something at least 3 times to remember it. Start the conversation now!
Adding a tag line to your web site is an important first step to alert your customers to the fact that you are more than just a single entity operating individually. We need to stress what each of these memberships does for us, as a library. Too often, libraries don't bring about a conversation about these important certifications or memberships until they are in danger of losing them. We need to tell the public now why each membership and certification we have are necessary to our operation. How else would a non-librarian know that Regions pay for delivery, or we get internet service through our network, or certification means they can borrow anything from any library in the state as easily as they can?
Being a leader means acknowledging partnerships and memberships that are beneficial to your organization. I can’t think of any other items that mean more to a Public Library than Certification, Region and Network. All three provide resources that we could not do without and still be what our customers want us to be.
My tag lines are as follows:
Proud Member Of:
[SAILS logo] Providing Resource Sharing, circulation and internet and MIS services
[SEMLS logo] Providing Daily Material Delivery and Databases
[MBLC logo] Certified Public Library: FY07
Add this information to your literature every chance you get. People need to see or hear something at least 3 times to remember it. Start the conversation now!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Contact Legislators About State Funding for Libraries!
Advocacy for all libraries was an important issue during Library Leadership 2007. This long but important message from the Massachusetts Library Association Legislative Committee is a perfect opportunity for us all to JUST DO IT!
To the Library Community:
The Governor's Budget (House 2) came out last week, with disappointing
numbers for Library Line Items. Once more the funding for libraries
has failed to reach the levels budgeted for libraries prior to the
sharp reductions of FY2002--2004.
Are you aware that the "Cherry Sheet" Library Line Items (State Aid
and Regions) and Account 9506 are the only ones that have not
recovered or EXCEEDED FY2001 funding levels? Therefore, Regions, State
Aid and Line 9506 (Telecommunications and Resource Sharing) are still
millions of dollars below where they should be had those lines been
treated the same as all other local aid and other state funds! This
means less dollars in your State Aid check, more pressure on local
budgets to fund networks, and Regional services drastically reduced to
keep the delivery system running.
Now the economy is looking bleak, and we are once again going to be
told that there is no money for libraries! Let's not allow this to
MLA is asking EACH AND EVERY ONE of you to contact your state
legislators and ask them to give Massachusetts Libraries their FAIR
In the next few weeks, State Representatives and Senators will be
asked by the leadership to list their 2 or 3 highest priorities for
funding in the state budget this year. Please call or write to your
state legislators IMMEDIATELY, and ask them to include libraries in
their priorities.
We suggest that you make an appointment, or go to their posted office
hours in the next few weeks, and make the case to them that libraries
have not been treated fairly with other state priorities over the last
8 years. It is time to give libraries a FAIR SHARE. Please try to
obtain from them a commitment that Libraries will be one of their
priorities this year.
Pull together a team of Library Staff, Trustees, Friends and
supportive local officials. If you are in a district in which you
Legislator represents more than one town and/or library, pick up the
phone or write an email and work with your colleagues in other
libraries to coordinate a message or a visit to your Senator or
Representative. Library Staff, Trustees and Friends should all be
involved in advocating for more state funding for libraries!
For documents and information on the state budget, the MLA Legislative
Agenda, and on the Cherry Sheet Deficit for Libraries, go to:
For general information on Massachusetts Library Funding/Legislative
Issues go to:
For information on your local funding impact click on:
We suggest you familiarize yourself with this information, print out
relevant material and present it to your legislator when you speak or
write to them.
MLA wants to know what our Legislators are thinking about the budget
for libraries this year. Please help us out by passing along any
information you have from meetings, phone calls, or correspondence
with your Legislators by emailing Meredith McCulloch
( of the MLA Legislative Committee.
Meredith will be coordinating your responses. If you need advice
please contact us for help.
Thanks for your action! Let's make sure we gain some ground this
year. It has been too easy for Legislators to put libraries on the
back burner over the last 8 years....let's make sure they pay
attention to us in the next few weeks as the budget priorities are set!
MLA Legislative Committee
Krista McLeod
Jackie Rafferty
To the Library Community:
The Governor's Budget (House 2) came out last week, with disappointing
numbers for Library Line Items. Once more the funding for libraries
has failed to reach the levels budgeted for libraries prior to the
sharp reductions of FY2002--2004.
Are you aware that the "Cherry Sheet" Library Line Items (State Aid
and Regions) and Account 9506 are the only ones that have not
recovered or EXCEEDED FY2001 funding levels? Therefore, Regions, State
Aid and Line 9506 (Telecommunications and Resource Sharing) are still
millions of dollars below where they should be had those lines been
treated the same as all other local aid and other state funds! This
means less dollars in your State Aid check, more pressure on local
budgets to fund networks, and Regional services drastically reduced to
keep the delivery system running.
Now the economy is looking bleak, and we are once again going to be
told that there is no money for libraries! Let's not allow this to
MLA is asking EACH AND EVERY ONE of you to contact your state
legislators and ask them to give Massachusetts Libraries their FAIR
In the next few weeks, State Representatives and Senators will be
asked by the leadership to list their 2 or 3 highest priorities for
funding in the state budget this year. Please call or write to your
state legislators IMMEDIATELY, and ask them to include libraries in
their priorities.
We suggest that you make an appointment, or go to their posted office
hours in the next few weeks, and make the case to them that libraries
have not been treated fairly with other state priorities over the last
8 years. It is time to give libraries a FAIR SHARE. Please try to
obtain from them a commitment that Libraries will be one of their
priorities this year.
Pull together a team of Library Staff, Trustees, Friends and
supportive local officials. If you are in a district in which you
Legislator represents more than one town and/or library, pick up the
phone or write an email and work with your colleagues in other
libraries to coordinate a message or a visit to your Senator or
Representative. Library Staff, Trustees and Friends should all be
involved in advocating for more state funding for libraries!
For documents and information on the state budget, the MLA Legislative
Agenda, and on the Cherry Sheet Deficit for Libraries, go to:
For general information on Massachusetts Library Funding/Legislative
Issues go to:
For information on your local funding impact click on:
We suggest you familiarize yourself with this information, print out
relevant material and present it to your legislator when you speak or
write to them.
MLA wants to know what our Legislators are thinking about the budget
for libraries this year. Please help us out by passing along any
information you have from meetings, phone calls, or correspondence
with your Legislators by emailing Meredith McCulloch
( of the MLA Legislative Committee.
Meredith will be coordinating your responses. If you need advice
please contact us for help.
Thanks for your action! Let's make sure we gain some ground this
year. It has been too easy for Legislators to put libraries on the
back burner over the last 8 years....let's make sure they pay
attention to us in the next few weeks as the budget priorities are set!
MLA Legislative Committee
Krista McLeod
Jackie Rafferty
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